One Earth Conservation
Mid-year Update in Photos
August 2017
Pacific Coast, Guatemala Yellow-naped Amazons
11 nest trees registered, monitored and protected – no nests poached!
(photo of yellow-naped amazon chick in nest in Los Tarrales by Manuel Galindo)

Cuyamel, Honduras Yellow-headed Amazons
8 nests registered monitored and protected – no nests poached!
(first photo of community rangers, military, and project lead Roger Flores, second photo of Roger Flores instructing students - photos by Roger Flores)

La Moskitia, Honduras Scarlet Macaws
36 nests registered, monitored and protected – no nests poached!
(photos of conservationist Pascacio Lacuth checking on a scarlet macaw nests with two chicks!)

Ometepe Island, Nicaragua
8 nests registered, monitored, and protected – one nest poached
(photo of Dr. LoraKim Joyner with biologists and community ranger, and of nest with two chicks)

Concepcion, Paraguay
20 days of monitoring – lots of poaching here!
(photo of 4 of the handful of hyacinth macaws in our monitoring area still flying free, photo of 2 poached chicks for sale in our area – photos by Andres Alvarez)

Nurture Nature Program
Nurture Communities and online Nurture Nature Academy started!
(photo of Jamaica Bay Nurture Nature Retreat and Wild Walk)

Looking Forward to Rest of 2017
Three week conservation trip to Guyana
Population count of yellow-naped amazons in Valle Department, Honduras
Population count of yellow-naped amazons on Island Guanaja, Honduras
Avian medicine and conservation medicine lecture series in Catacamas, Honduras
Community visits Moskitia, Honduras
Islands of Hope Ecotourism and Nurture Nature Retreat, Ometepe Island, Nicaragua
Twelve more Nurture Nature retreats, communities, and presentations
Publication of “Conservation in Time of War”