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LoraKim Joyner
Jan 24, 2024
Sun Parakeet Conservation Across the Borders of Brazil and Guyana
The Parakeet Rangers of Karasabai, Guyana visited the sun parakeet project in Boa Vista, Brazil where both countries learned and planned.

LoraKim Joyner
Nov 9, 2023
Lords of the Mountains: The People and Parrots of Gracias, Honduras
The liberated scarlet macaws and the people who care for them in this cloud forest are true champions of these mountains in Gracias, Hondura

by Rev. Dr. LoraKim Joyner
May 23, 2023
Parrot Conservation: Loving Oneself So You Can Love and Care for the World
Emotional intelligence, self-empathy, and self-love can save a parrot, a people, and the planet.

LoraKim Joyner
Jul 13, 2022
Cuerpo de Conservacionistas de Psitácidos - Parrot Conservation Corps
We are putting together a group of people who embrace a vision of interconnecting beauty, and who will commit to life on earth.

Transformative Parrot Conservation in La Moskitia, Honduras
We describe the Apu Pauni Project, a coalition of communities and organizations striving to recover the macaw populations in La Moskitia

LoraKim Joyner
Nov 30, 2021
Women and Parrots Share Loss and Strength
A mother scarlet macaw lost her chicks twice to poachers in the same year. Her loss echoes our own, as does her strength.

LoraKim Joyner
Jul 7, 2021
Protecting Parrots: Nesting Season 2020-2021
Pictures and statistics of One Earth Conservation's 2020-2021 parrot nesting season presented along with poetry.

LoraKim Joyner
Jun 22, 2021
Children Conservationists in La Moskitia, Honduras
Children accompany us during our conservation activities in La Moskitia, Honduras. It helps them learn by example, and its fun for all!

LoraKim Joyner
Jun 9, 2021
Team Parrot in La Moskitia, Honduras
The parrot conservation team in La Moskitia, Honduras is fierce, strong, and courageous. Come meet them in this photo collage.

LoraKim Joyner
May 18, 2021
Wings Set Us Free
Iota in November 2020 destroyed this village, and the parrot rangers there persisted, protecting parrots whose wings set us free.

LoraKim Joyner
May 4, 2021
Brave Conservationist Saves Her Wild Parrot Nest in Guatemala
Evelyn, one of a team of young parrot rangers, takes risk to protect the endangered yellow-headed parrot in Guatemala.

LoraKim Joyner
Feb 9, 2021
Case Study in Parrot Monitoring - Ometepe Island, Nicaragua
It is an honor and a privilege to make the current draft available to the parrot world, for it is a testament to the efforts of the people.

LoraKim Joyner
Oct 13, 2020
Decolonizing Conservation - Part 1
How do we liberate ourselves and others when we all are enmeshed, trapped, both colonizer and colonized demographic together?

LoraKim Joyner
Jun 17, 2020
Trust (even when birds die)
Come, let us trust in our capacity for kindness, for presence, for care, and to love. Come, join the Parrot Conservation Corps.

LoraKim Joyner
May 6, 2020
Saving the World From Where You Are by Supporting Community Conservation Where They Are
We know how to do conservation, with communities, but the reality of government, societal and ecological fragility is always threatening to
From the field, our Nurture Nature Program, and our staff!
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