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LoraKim Joyner

Case Study in Parrot Monitoring - Ometepe Island, Nicaragua

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

Endangered yellow-naped amazon parrots of Ometepe

So often in the field of parrot conservation we are in such an emergency situation that we don’t have the time or resources to research trends on how the people and parrots are faring. So much of our efforts go into nest protection to diminish the relentless poaching for the illegal wildlife trade in most of our project areas, and to provide stipends so local community members have the options to protect their ecosystems and wildlife. We do obtain nest success rates, which is just the barest minimum data we need, for it is only a rough indicator of how the population is doing as a whole. Yet to assess population health, regular and extensive counts are required over a period of years, as well as time to enter and analyze data. It is a dream of mine to be able to do this throughout the Americas in places that have the least resources and are facing the most threats.

Yilmer, Levis, and Norlan counting

Thanks to so many people, mostly the conservationists of Ometepe and various donors, we have been able to pursue population monitoring at a minimal level on Ometepe Island in Nicaragua for several years. Because of the Covid-10 pandemic, I had time this past year to summarize all the data into a booklet, "Multiple Point Fixed Transects in Parrot Monitoring: A Case Study, Ometepe Island, Nicaragua 2014-2020." It is an honor and a privilege to make the current draft available today to the parrot world, for it is a testament to the efforts of the people and parrots there. This document is also a case study on how to use multiple point fixed transects in parrot monitoring, and is meant to be used in tandem with an earlier publication, "Guide to Multiple Fixed Point Transects in Parrot Monitoring." (Guia para Puntos de Conteos en Linea para Monitoreo de Loros). In just a few weeks we will be releasing another booklet on the use of rivers in parrot monitoring.

Roxanne, Yilmer, Levis, Norlan, and Emerson counting and having a good time

Congratulations to the Ometepe team that made this publication possible - Biometepe and Fauna and Flora International, Nicaragua!

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