One Earth Conservation's work is about relationships - we love the parrots and we love working with the people. Our projects are having an impact on people’s lives by raising incomes and providing them with meaningful work. At the same time, we are increasing our knowledge about parrots, which improves conservation results. One Earth Conservation has also
been able to leverage our increased knowledge to gain more partners for this work and to impact other parrot conservation projects being conducted throughout the world.
Project activities often include conducting parrot patrols to protect nesting parrots from poachers and other harmful activities, climbing trees to monitor nesting activities and the status of eggs and hatched chicks, installing nest boxes to encourage wild parrots to reproduce, implementing public education campaigns to raise awareness about the plight of wild parrots and how people can help, and collecting and analyzing data to be used to report results to scientists, the general public, and funders.
Scroll down to explore our projects in the six countries in the Americas where we work - Guyana, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Suriname.