Yesterday, LoraKim sent an email to the Board members of One Earth Conservation to check in with them and see how everyone is doing. One of our Board members, Hector Orlando Portillo Reyes, is a Honduran wildlife biologist and here is how he replied to LoraKim's email (note: English is not his first language):

Hector training Honduran conservationists on new technology to help track wild parrots
"Greetings everyone, here in Honduras, like Guatemala, they have closed borders and there is a state of siege, so some constitutional guarantees have been lost, since many people still do not take the measures for good, so the government had to take extreme measures, for now it is 15 days and it is expected that it will probably be until Easter. At home we are locked up and we only go out for what is necessary. We do not know how all this will turn out, because we are a poor country and there are many people who use what they work during the day to live on that day. I think planet earth is taking a breather without so much pollution."

Honduran women caring for endangered scarlet macaw chicks at the Parrot Rescue and Liberation Center in Honduras
It is now more urgent than ever for One Earth Conservation to be in solidarity with the people and parrots of Latin America. Please consider giving what you can towards our current crowdfunding campaign that will help to provide daily income to 16 women working to save endangered parrots in a remote area of Honduras. If you give tomorrow (March 18, 2020) we can earn a proportional portion of $20,000 of extra funding available, based on the total amount we raise that day. Please give at this link for your donation to count towards the total raised:
Thank you, as always, for your interest and support for One Earth Conservation.

Rescued scarlet macaw chicks at the Rescue Center