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by Gail Koelln, Co-Director

Nurture Nature for Our Lives: the 2018 IPCC Report

In an increasingly rare occurrence, it made some headlines, although a large number of major newspapers still did not mention the newly released report by the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

“The world has just over a decade to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say” (The Washington Post, 10/8/2018)

“U.N. Panel Warms Drastic Action Needed to Stave Off Climate Change” (The Wall Street Journal, 10/7/2018)

“Major Climate Report Describes a Strong Risk of Crisis as Early as 2040” (The New York Times, 10/7/2018)

“Terrifying climate change warning: 12 years until we’re doomed” (The New York Post, 10/8/2018)

“Planet has only until 2030 to stem catastrophic climate change, experts warn” (CNN, 10/8/18)

The first paragraph of the IPCC press release regarding the report provides more detail,

“Incheon, Republic of Korea, 8 Oct – Limiting global warming to 1.5° C would require rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society, the IPCC said in a new assessment. With clear benefits to people and natural ecosystems, limiting global warming to 1.5° C compared to 2° C could go hand in hand with ensuring a more sustainable and equitable society…”

It almost feels to me like the opening of a dystopian science fiction movie. Scary stuff. And it is all too real. So, what does this have to do with nurturing nature? Well, everything.

As I write this, Hurricane Michael is hurtling towards Florida on the heels of Hurricane Florence. People are getting battered the world over. We all need to wake up, rise up and do what needs to be done. There has never been a time in the history of humanity when taking care of nature as we take care of ourselves has been more important. Never.

For those who already appreciate nature, including other living beings, natural landscapes and the environment upon which we all depend, this means stepping up our game. Being sure each of us is strong enough to do what has to be done, as quickly as possible, in the time we have, while still attending to our daily lives, family and friends. Not an easy task.

For those whose interests and concerns lie elsewhere, it is time to make some space for the living systems that support humanity and other life on this planet. Not to drop your other responsibilities and concerns, but to learn as much as you can as soon as you can and find something you can do to help (or more than one thing). Also, not easy to achieve.

But, not easy is not the same as impossible. And, One Earth Conservation can help.

One place to start can be with One Earth Conservation’s Nurture Nature Program. The Nurture Nature program explores our emotional, social, multispecies, ecological, and spiritual natures, and provides experiences of greater belonging, beauty, reverence, wholeness, joy, and vitality for you, your families, communities, and organizations. We offer a variety of Nurture Nature activities throughout the year, which you can monitor here, as well as various resources that you can access here. We are also in the process of writing a new workbook with the working title, Nurturing Discussions and Practices: Nurture Nature, Yourself, and Your Relationships, that we hope to have available in late 2018 or early 2019. Please check our website periodically for more information.

Here’s an excerpt from the introduction of the new workbook:

“We are convinced, now more than ever, that to gain the powers of solidarity, resilience, and resistance we have to come together in local communities that are committed to and claimed by the biotic community in which they are embedded. Only in this way can we mourn, learn, and have sufficient focus and wisdom to build a new way, even as the old way crumbles around us. These guides, given the risks and challenges of these times, are meant to augment community formation and personal transformation and commitment, whether you are beginning something new or use these guides for an already existing community, family, or organization. They are meant to be broadly nonsectarian, but also can be adopted by particular religious or spiritual institutions and endeavors. They are adaptable for a wide variety of circumstances, with the overall goal of supporting the health of individuals, relationships, and communities of all species.”

Once you have developed the strength and fortitude to join the thousands of people working hard to ensure that we can heal our planet, and we hope you get to that place soon, there are many ways you can help. And that is a subject for another blog. Stay tuned.

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